Over 30 years of experience in recording of voices/adverts and music & bands
Welcome to TR Studios owned by Tomasz Rogula
We DON'T serve the murderers of Putin team.
Our recording studio located in Warsaw is specialized in music recording of bands and vocalists as well as commercial voice records. We fulfill all customers needs in the matter of sound recording. We do MUSIC RECORDINGS of professional bands and vocalists but also we help to young and amateur musicians and bands from all Europe. TR Studios is present on the recording market for more than 30 years and during this time we hosted in the studio tens of thousands people from all continents from North and South America to Africa and Australia& Asia and Europe. We are well located- with very easy and fast acces to Warsaw airport and to cheap hotels.
In TR Studios you can easily record a full album from rock to ethno and classic, EP and also simple and cheap one-day rock demo or a musical gift for your loved once (eg. vocal recording to instrumental track) as well voices for commercials. Here you can organize comprehensive recording session starting from laying instrumental tracks, through mixing for the mastering. You can also come to the studio with your tracks recorded somewhere else just to do the mix or even with mixed songs to finish a mastering part at our equipment. We are able to cooperate on each and every way. We give you our sound production experience. (list of our customers is here)
In the field of VOICE RECORDINGS we offer the biggest in Poland and one of the biggest in the Europe voice data base. TR Studio offers about a thousand excellent professional lectors and actors - including the most famous names - who speak a total of 60 languages.
In our Voice department we record all your company needs including: audiobooks, TV and radio commercials, audio guides, IVRs, presentations and many others. From our voice data base and recording services within a few dozen years of running has already benefited hundreds and even thousands of companies and institutions including well known as Microsoft, CocaCola, Sun System, Statoil, Hilton, Intercontinental, Novartis, Xerox, Sony etc. (list of our customers is here) Click 'About us' to find more details about TR Studios.
Welcome to TR Studios
Tomasz Rogula